I’m making progress on theJADE, our second plan series. This plan will be slightly larger at 1,392 sq ft and have 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. It will be oriented with preferred south to the side, rather than the rear. It will have all of the same sustainability features and options with a few new ones (we’re learning all the time).
sustainability goes beyond houses
Sustainability involves every aspect of our lives. So while our houses are important, we should also realize that saving a sheet of paper here, saves a tree somewhere and reduces how much rainforest gets cut down and that affects the livelihood of the family in South America and on and on.
Feedback and Questions
I’m curious — what are YOUR thoughts on sustainability? What do you think of our blog and our website? What else would you like to see and what would you like to discuss? I’m open to suggestions for topics.
theFERN – view from the back
additional views of theFERN
I’ve had several requests over the past couple of days saying “I like the front elevation, but what does it look like from the back?”
simple design
I guess maybe I should have started with the obvious. These plans are simple. There are a few, understated design elements and themes that carry through; just enough “umph” to give them some pizzaz, but not overdone.