new blog look

At long last, I think I’ve settled on a blog design. Thanks to the people at Pyzam. We’ve also cleaned it up and there are no more ads. After all, we want simple, not clutter.


Well, I took the test and passed. 

I am now a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP for short — now I know why they abbreviate it!). It’s another step in learning and staying in touch with what’s happening in sustainability.

sustainability goes beyond houses

Sustainability involves every aspect of our lives. So while our houses are important, we should also realize that saving a sheet of paper here, saves a tree somewhere and reduces how much rainforest gets cut down and that affects the livelihood of the family in South America and on and on. 

The Earth is a closed system — nothing ever truly “goes away” (like garbage and waste). 
One big item is water. Many people in the world don’t have access to clean drinking water. Not only do our houses affect this (through using dual flush toilets or water-saving faucets), but water saved here can mean clean water somewhere else. 
As Americans, we are blessed with abundance. I came across a website recently that had a powerful message. As we are in this Advent Season, check out the Advent Conspiracy at

Merry Christmas!

Feedback and Questions

I’m curious — what are YOUR thoughts on sustainability? What do you think of our blog and our website? What else would you like to see and what would you like to discuss? I’m open to suggestions for topics.

sustainable AND affordable?

So… I called today on a great-sounding product. It’s a countertop material made entirely from 100% recycled beer and glass bottles. 

It’s $125 to $175 per square foot.

If this is made from “garbage” stuff, why so expensive?
If sustainable isn’t affordable, it isn’t truly sustainable.

welcome to thesimpleHOUSE!

We have just launched our blog! 

The idea is to create discussion about sustainable housing 
and talk about what is TRULY “green”. 

The terms “green” and even “sustainable” have become buzz words — 
so much so that they may lose their proper meaning. 

This blog will try to filter all that. Join us as we head down this road!

And don’t forget to visit our website at