Paper or Plastic? Neither!

I remember when I would go to the grocery store and the clerk would ask “paper or plastic?” We typically would say “paper” because it was easier to recycle. Our garbage company picks up recycles, but doesn’t do plastic bags. And we’d always forget to take our plastic bags back to the store. So they’d pile up in our recycle drawer. Paper was easier, but that bothered us, too.

So a few years ago, my wife and I decided to invest in durable, canvas bags. We bought four like the one pictured here from ECObags. They are durable, socially responsible canvas bags. About $9 each. And we love them! When we bought ours, they had a logo on the side that said “neither”. I liked that.

We’ve found it rare when four bags aren’t enough for our shopping. And we can pack them with heavy stuff and they hold up really well. The straps are sturdy and I’m amazed at the stuff we can load in them. Almost heavier than we can lift sometimes — really.

Plastic bags are convenient and cheap. But cheap isn’t always good. Worldwide, we consume and discard between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags. That’s about 1 million EVERY MINUTE! About 380 billion are in the US alone, 100 billion of those are grocery bags, costing retailers $4 billion annually.

We’ve found our bags useful for carrying all sorts of things around, not just our groceries. And even after three years, they’re still going strong.

Our Coffee Addiction

If you think I’m going to slam coffee in today’s blog, you’re wrong. While I do recommend fair trade, organic shade grown coffee for what may be obvious reasons, today’s topic is actually about the disposable cups we drink our coffee from.

I hope by now everyone is death on styrofoam cups. I’m not even going there. But what I am going to talk about today is the paper cups and lids we often get from Starbucks or Full City or (insert your favorite coffee shop here).

Estimates are that we will use about 23 billion paper coffee cups in 2010. Billion. That will require cutting down 9.4 million trees, 7 trillion BTUs of energy and 5.7 billion gallons of water. This will create 363 million pounds of solid waste. We have trouble processing such large numbers, so here are some comparisons.

The energy used just to manufacture the cups that we use just for our coffee could power 77,000 homes. It’s almost a gallon of water for every human being on the planet. Just from our paper coffee cups. And the FDA has regulations on the amount of recycled paper pulp that is allowed in contact with food and beverages. So the majority of our paper cups are made with a high percentage of virgin paper.

Yet the answer is simple: Carry a reusable mug with you to the coffee shop. Many are already doing this, but if we’re going to use 23 billion paper cups next year, many are not. Most every shop I know will fill your mug with your favorite brew.

Plus, many offer discounts if you use your own mug. So the benefits are twofold: help the environment and save money.

And that’s a win-win all the way around.