On Sunday, our last day in Glacier, we spent the morning rerouting our trip home. Originally, we were going to travel through Joseph, Baker City and Redmond to see the Wallowas, Hell’s Canyon and our favorite restaurant in Redmond, Carnaval.
But the smoke in all of those areas bumped the air quality into the unhealthy range, so we rerouted to come home through Yakima and Portland.
The timing worked well, because we got to Logan Pass around lunchtime and actually found a parking space!

We ate our lunch, packed our bags and decided to head out on the Hidden Lake Trail.

We were NOT alone.

I was glad I had my Keens, glad I had padded my blister on my toe. However, we left our hiking poles in the car. We did fine, but it would have been a much easier hike if we had them. Beautiful along the way (as is everything in Glacier NP).
But I don’t think anything would have prepared us for just how stunning Hidden Lake was. We are so glad we held out and did it. We were so glad our motel host recommended it. Words don’t capture the breathtaking beauty of this spot.

We are still talking about this hike. For me, it was my favorite. Same for Brenda. And the same for a lot of people we talked with.
When we returned to our motel, we decided to go back to Serrano’s for a second dinner. This time, we split a foot-long pulled pork burrito. It, like the tacos, was awesome. A fitting end to our stay.
We plugged in Scarlett and retired for the night. Tomorrow it would be Missoula via Helena, where the nearest Supercharger was on our route.