Range Anxiety… not

We just got home from taking our granddaughters and daughter to a park north of Salem. Brenda had driven all week on our 90% charge from last Sunday.

We don’t drive a lot of miles.

But we do occasionally have a friend ask us the question: “What would you do if you ran out of battery charge?”

Well, that question actually begs a companion question: “What would you do if you ran out of gas?”

You see, both are essentially the same question, just for different cars. ICE versus EV. But the answer to both is really a comment that we plan ahead, just like you do when you make sure you have enough gas in your tank before you set off on a trip, or go to work, or go anywhere.

Granted, it takes us a little longer to fill our tank at home as evidenced by the screen capture above. But right now we’re back home, the sun is still shining, we are generating more electricity than we are using in the house, so we’re charging Scarlett.

I’m going out in a few minutes and unplug, even though we don’t yet have a “full tank” so I can wash her. I’ll start charging again in the morning when the sun comes back out. Saturdays we walk most places, so we’ll probably be fully charged by mid day.

So, yes, we have to think and plan a little differently, but really not much. And not spending over $60/month on gasoline, which today is at $3.71/gallon for premium (what we had to use in our Passat) makes me very very happy.

Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, Scarlett is just plain fun to drive.